I needed something fluffy.
Let's Pretend This Never Happened is VERY fluffy, full of stories about Lawson's stranger life experiences. She has a readable style, although I'd advise taking a look at
her blog to make sure it's not going to cause Death by Eyeroll before sitting down with a whole book's worth of her distinctive voice.
Although I did laugh out loud several times, I couldn't really connect with the book. I don't know, it is probably just the place I am right now, and has nothing to do with Lawson, but I think these exaggerated catchphrase-laden attacked-by-fake-editor's-notes stories probably land better when the reader feels a connection to the writer.
But I did lol enough to make reading
Let's Pretend worth my time, and I fully understand why everyone on the Internets liked, tweeted, or forwarded the Big Metal Chicken* story. Good stuff.
*Just google "big metal chicken" if you somehow missed it, especially if you're considering reading this and haven't read The Bloggess before.**
**Also, if you don't enjoy footnotes (weirdo), don't read this book.
(three-and-a-half stars)